Month: August 2011


                            In its lucent light,                         riding high in orbit,                         the moon casts spears                         arching toward the groves                         of evergreens,                         trading their veracity                         for a moment of magic.                         The night dissolves                         the shaded parts into blackness.                         My eyes linger                         on the luminescence,                         on the silent…

  • No Lost Causes

    A one sided effort does bring results.   Even when it appears to be a lost cause, it is not.  That someone cares enough to do what needs to be done is never a lost cause.  There cannot ever be a lost effort to do good in the universe.   That would be an oxymoron, a contradiction.  …

  • War No More

    In my mind I am still in the midst of the Big War as my generation called it.   I am collecting my belongings,  gathering them closely under my long, big black coat and huddling close to vacant buildings.  The snow is dirty  with footprints and other soot beneath my feet and I long to have…