Rest well, Sailor

So in this night
when you lie still
and listen for the rain,
listen for the wind,
listen for the stars
moving about the sky,
listen also for your heartbeat.
It is steady and it is sure.

It beats for all your commitments,
both loving and lovable.
You are an important adjunct to this world
and you cannot estimate your good.

Rest well, sailor, rest well.
The seas have been rocky
but now we come to the inlets
that will take us to port.
There will be no tug
to bring in the ship.

She will make it on her own power.
So, rest well,  sailor,  rest well.

2 responses to “Rest well, Sailor”

  1. mom, CJ & I just read your wonderful poem….you are a gifted woman…I am so proud to call you Aunt…..Thank you for the Gift of Language that so freely flows from the very fiber of your Being! Keep Sharing….this world needs your voice!Namaste’KathyQ

  2. Kathy, thank you for the lovely comments.. I like to read this one out loud.. It is truly to the Divine Spark in all of us. Namaste

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