I Lit The Candle


I Lit The Candle

I lit the candle and waited.
Time passed.
I lit the candle and waited.

Fill me, Sweet Spirit.
Let my heart learn
once again the habit of loving.

Come into my kitchen
among the cutlery and pots,
to the table
in the middle of chaos.

Two chairs.
I light the candle
and look for a hand
ready to grasp
my outstretched one.

With a soothing balm,
salve my Spirit, my weariness
and prepare me wisely
for a time waiting
cross hair in time’s  vision,
as my arms
enfold a future worked for,
and prepared,

shaped by a life loved through.


Photo by John Holmes

4 responses to “I Lit The Candle”

  1. The kitchen is the center of the house, the family and the heart. We’ve all sat there seeking acceptance, support and love. Calming the chaos swirling in the world outside. Thanks for putting it into words for us.

  2. John, and we have all been there, sitting and waiting for the hand across the table. Amazing, isn’t it, how universal? Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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