The Loving Place. . . . .a Christmas gift


The Loving Place

A home, a hearth,
the loving place that nurtures
the fragile psyche,
granting each the right
to perceive the universe
as is his to perceive.

Building memories
year upon year,
granting courage
for the hurting moments
and bearing them.
Yet yielding to
the greater truth that life
continues to be good.

Granting the right for each
to leave and grow away,
knowing that the warmth and love
of hearth and home
can be reached by going inward
to the loving place

you helped me build.

5 responses to “The Loving Place. . . . .a Christmas gift”

  1. e mail from Suzanne. . . .Truth can be lovely. . . .and you express the truth in such inspiring ways. Blessings,. . . . .

  2. Suzanne. . . .to love from abundance allows freedom to leave . . . and sometimes not come back. It is not always easy but truth often is not easy. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Maria, thank you for your thoughts. It is always a matter of loving from abundance which gives the Other, whether child or adult, freedom to do what is necessary for their growth. Not always an easy route.

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