We carry the Light in our hearts
and it reflects in your eyes.
You carry the heat of its flame
and we both are warmed.
Silvery, silvery night,
piercing as the child’s cry
cuts sharply into complacency,
peace-ing the soul;
unerringly slipped
into a world of nights
to make a difference.
The Light and Flame linger.
Do you see what we see?
(The candle was another effort in the late ‘70s when I started the Christmas cards when our David was diagnosed with cancer. They were still done with materials at hand and what I was limited with time and funds. What was in abundance was emotion. It was a time of upset but life does in its minute ways to compensate. As I made these in the late hours of the night much was igniting my inner life. In ways I can hardly believe, I was a mystic still in those days of hectic secular life with its complex issues to deal with. In retrospect, I lived it all and did everything I saw to do but in innocence did not know what I was truly doing. Uppermost was the intent to create memories that would sustain in spite of circumstances. This was a need as I saw it.)