Wherever we are, it seems only meet and proper to have August cease its summer heat and prepare mentally for the oncoming North Wind. It seems it has forgotten about us blistering in the heat. I am glad we are found.
Though conditions prevent our entry back to the classroom in many places, mentally we option to rekindle old friendships in favorite books. Or fortunately in new books if we are able. Like a stretched out old sweater I hug tight around cold shoulders the winter of long nights in a quiet corner.
I welcome you to join me. Today we pretend to hug each other but one day the hugs will be for real. Promise.
It is August
and there is
a sliver of breath
inside the sill.
The deep breath of autumn
is, I think, a matter of time;
perhaps only in the memory
of the child anxious
for the world of new books
to open.
Anxious for the toys
of summer to be put aside
to make space
for new thoughts.
An old lady now
but still waiting with anticipation
for the long, dark nights
to be filled with time.
It is necessary.
It will take an entire season
to adjust mind, body and soul
to a new way of thinking. . . .
about who I was
and now who I am.
photo by Joseph Hallissey, Sr