Category: Earth

  • To Remember Is Our Liberation. . .

      I remember once or many times saying that I wish to pick up a book and understand what they were saying.  I wanted wisdom.  I wanted to understand.  I wanted there to be a difference about me that others could see and say she is different.  I am different.  Our words are the same…

  • An Affair Of The Heart. . .

      An Affair Of The Heart. . . If you are a front line worker, a miracle worker appearing first to cries of crises, and you are driving home at the end of the day, you begin to talk in the silence of your car.  You vent and cry with fatigue, with sadness, with curses…

  • The Teacher. . . . (The Socratic Departure). . . .

      The Teacher   (The Socratic Departure) I will drink this cup of gall, swallowing the bitterness setting fire to earth’s waste. But first I caress this chalice. Its depth mirrors my heart, shaking the foundations of my very own selves. Now splendid trepidation challenge the ultimatums by which the earth rocks. Challenge me, o gods,…

  • A Sorrow Hushed . . . . . .

    A Sorrow Hushed. . . My ears cleaved to the door frame of the dining room. Her whisper was hoarse, were there many? Lots, he said, lots, as he held the letter that told him what they saw. They pushed for space, women and children and their men for best viewing. They wanted to see. …

  • Freedom Is Never Free. . . .

    May 13,2024. . . (I remember watching this particular morning show with concern because I take things personally.  A dear friend said to me that was a hard way to live.  If one does not take life personally,  one then is a ‘walk through’.  Where then is the meaning in life?   And whose meaning would…

  • The Present Not Wanted, But Needed. . . .

          As I Watched. . . Part of a whole, yet wholly here. Slowly as I watched the silence was encompassing. Piece by blessed piece, each tree, each entity  slowly folded upon itself and laid itself down. The screen protecting vanished as it bent itself into nothing, a wisp of an idea no…

  • My Keys in the Palm of My Hand . . . . .

      In reviewing  decades of my life with my kaleidoscopic perspective,  is a stressful endeavor.  I was cautioned to go slow.   ( At 92, how fast can I possibly go at this time?)  Most people are given to wait until they are on the side where  support friends already are. Or here  and I laughed…

  • Born With Conscience . . . .

    and memory. . . . . . My readers are perceptive and I grasp eagerly what they say. One said there are places I would not be allowed to voice my thoughts or concerns.  I have lived  almost my entire life being cautioned as I left the house about what I say.  I had no…

  • Virtue In The Doing. . . .

    The Keys Of The Kingdom. . . . (In the conversation I mention about the satisfaction in the doing of what most consider work with my brother Stanley, and he said I hold the keys of the kingdom,  in my terminus I see the wisdom of this.  I was told to ‘do and you will…

  • With These Hands. . . love. . . gratitude. . .

      To Use These Hands. . . . from another time. . . As dawn breaks, my fingers of both hands curl about each other and I marvel at their slimness, their ability to elicit the feel of themselves, each digit wrapped around the other. And I think that nothing, no other world will ever…