Maria’s mug of milk and warm moon. . . .
One of my cyber friends had a marvelous post on March 14, 2025 called a mug of milk and warm moon. Maria Wulf is a poet as well as an artist and she is a joy to watch when she posts. Her connection to our natural world puts us all in a classroom to wonder…
Thoughts en Route . . . .
Thoughts En route The cliché ‘I am only human’ is a self qualifier and an excuse in case of failure. Reverse psychology would have humans admitting their divine self and then the Heavens would have reason to shout, ‘Prove it!’ We then might not fall so squarely on our ethics. The only tool necessary in…
The Mist That Sustains Me . . . .
(there are those like me in our terminus who have carried what the sophisticated did not because they were born for better lives they said, more important things than menial work. Because for reasons mostly involving children, the work of caring for those unable fell on unsuspecting shoulders. We find a hundred years later…
When Passion Is Exhausted . . . .
The Best Of All Worlds When a teenage grandson arrived into our family, my talks with him were cerebral and pithy. We were in my basement study and on the wall was a quote which I had paraphrased from something I was reading and his mother, an artist, had illustrated. (We have since used the…
Be It True Just For Today. . .
What if it is true. . . . .just for today. . . . The thought occurred to me what if whatever we think is true. . . just for today? How would it affect me and life around me? How would it affect you being related in thought with me? What if it were…
New World Carved Out Of Our Hearts. . .
When you asked the question. . . I don’t know that it occurred to me at some particular point, or that I always knew the moment you asked the question you already knew the answer because the process by which intelligence grows is by the conclusions reached by the hard work of consecutive thoughts…
Sufficient Reason. . .
One of my favorite authors has been Susan Howatch. When she left the United States, she returned to England with her daughter. She also was accepted at Oxford to study philosophy. She learned from the old philosophers that the human mind as structured was unable to understand nor grasp the concept of Reality as taught. …
When You Need To See A Skyline. . . .
August 23, 2024. . . As an introduction for those new to my writing, you need to know that for me all time is simultaneous, it is all happening now. It need not be your understanding, just an acknowledgment that it is this way for me. It makes for easier understanding when your thoughts are…
We do it now because we know . . .
To change history. . .a new path. . . I had been at sixes and sevens (so to speak). I should explain that the idiom means things being in great doubt with me. The idiom is centuries old coming from (more nearly surmised) the English. Since I married into an Anglo Saxon Protestant family, I…
Immigrant. . . .
Although it was my best of intentions I don’t know why it was not obvious to those who claimed they knew me. But what they saw was some kind of favoritism but never the cost or the contract involved. That it could not be believed was understandable. But the next question should have been, why…