Category: Lesson

  • The Word Is God. . . .

        I was born dragging a foot still in my last world.  When asked for volunteers, my hand went up.   Not a walk in the park has it been.  And with the events of this past Saturday, all the words have been said by the important voices.    I have reached as high as I…

  • The Lesson In Strawberries. . . .

    5/31/24. . . There is always a someone in mind when I wish to repeat a post.   A reason because I want to shout to the world that here is a person of worth and high calibre that the rest of the world does not know as we who know and love her.  And…

  • The Teacher. . . . (The Socratic Departure). . . .

      The Teacher   (The Socratic Departure) I will drink this cup of gall, swallowing the bitterness setting fire to earth’s waste. But first I caress this chalice. Its depth mirrors my heart, shaking the foundations of my very own selves. Now splendid trepidation challenge the ultimatums by which the earth rocks. Challenge me, o gods,…

  • Freedom Is Never Free. . . .

    May 13,2024. . . (I remember watching this particular morning show with concern because I take things personally.  A dear friend said to me that was a hard way to live.  If one does not take life personally,  one then is a ‘walk through’.  Where then is the meaning in life?   And whose meaning would…

  • Books. . . Our Spiritual Survival. . .

    We  have put so much faith in the medical profession and they do not deliver us from death which of course is what we want in our final go round.    In fact, the agonies are prolonged for just one more minute of breath before our departure.   And our departure is fraught with negatives.  The biggest…

  • Our Hearts Shout Our Validity . . . .

    Mar 10, 2024. . . it seems I repeat and repeat.  We are not a stupid people, yet why do we act so?  I received an email from a daughter which was written on my forehead.  (it seems so anyway because I remembered it immediately.  words were thus. . . no matter how broad the…

  • A Sanctuary Moment. . . last bird sings . . .

      A sanctuary moment. . . In looking back the words I hear in closing the front door are, be careful what you say.  That was from the time I have memory  forming words, being told in essence to stop talking .  Even now, this late in the day I am told to stop and…

  • TIME TO LISTEN . . . .

      He was 4 years old and it was his third birthday party in two days.   And I said did you have a good time with your cousin?   She was not his cousin but someone he met waiting here to get born.   Where was that I asked.    Here he said in Etherall. When I penciled…

  • From My Heart’s Pocket . . .

      Word reaches that there are issues with some of my posts that are unreal;  that perhaps I don’t know how the real world works! I write what I know, not hope or pretend.  As Lawrence O’Donnell commented on  President Biden’s Inaugural, experience is  not taught. We always knew it, I think,  just never applied…


    The Last Bird Sings. . . . A fact in nature changes as the person who perceives it. The maxim states  ‘A fact is enhanced by what is perceived.  Depends on who is looking and seeing and what they are seeing.  One does not see what one is not looking for.  The person who sees…