We do it now because we know . . .
To change history. . .a new path. . . I had been at sixes and sevens (so to speak). I should explain that the idiom means things being in great doubt with me. The idiom is centuries old coming from (more nearly surmised) the English. Since I married into an Anglo Saxon Protestant family, I…
Making A Money Cannot Touch Difference . . . .
We have been overwhelmed with the breaking news of national and international consequence. I leave those voices to reweave the news and now give thought to what we share in common when even sleep does not rescue us. Our efforts to make a difference seem embarrassing when the world needs a step -in by…
An Affair Of The Heart. . .
An Affair Of The Heart. . . If you are a front line worker, a miracle worker appearing first to cries of crises, and you are driving home at the end of the day, you begin to talk in the silence of your car. You vent and cry with fatigue, with sadness, with curses…
A Monk In Brown Burlap . . . 1790. . .
How Not To Attach The Fabric Of The Global House. . . They say. . You have to keep it singular. . . You have to keep it nuclear. . . You have to keep it private. . . and remembering different in any way is not good. I tell you. . . You…
The Present Not Wanted, But Needed. . . .
As I Watched. . . Part of a whole, yet wholly here. Slowly as I watched the silence was encompassing. Piece by blessed piece, each tree, each entity slowly folded upon itself and laid itself down. The screen protecting vanished as it bent itself into nothing, a wisp of an idea no…
From My Heart’s Pocket . . .
Word reaches that there are issues with some of my posts that are unreal; that perhaps I don’t know how the real world works! I write what I know, not hope or pretend. As Lawrence O’Donnell commented on President Biden’s Inaugural, experience is not taught. We always knew it, I think, just never applied…
Principles will prevail,,,,
Principles will prevail… We involve ourselves in arguments that exhaust when there is no need. Because our actions will broadcast where we are in our thinking better than the most eloquent essay. What will be most apparent will be our calm determination only to one who is looking for what they know to look for.…
we are life everlasting. . .and have been . . .
White Superiority Is Not New. . . . I don’t know what could have prepared me for my entry into a white Protestant family. It was not that they were well versed about the sect, but something special born into. And certainly nothing in my history would have told me the details awaiting me. What…
The Surety Makes The Difference. . . .
A Small Thing To Be Sure. . . . Lori came to my door while I sat and wished for a derrick to materialize to lift me unto my bed. It never happened but a small miracle did and gave me wings to soar by myself. Seems like a small thing? A really small…
Life’s Connectedness is what must endure. . . . .
I wrote to Maria Wulf (fullmoonfiberart.com) for permission to share her post which drew my attention. It is such a deep pleasure for one like me to share the larger picture when our thoughts merge. There is a connection in the soul that has no word coming to mind, describing what happens when an Other…