Month: October 2011

  • We Are Asked

    In each of us is our dream, our desire.   The striving, the process is the only thing worth the struggle.  This is why we work at it.   All else are diversions.   They are but a tangent of the premise.  Either the striving or the process finds the dream for us or we do not find…

  • Forever Stilled

    Forever Stilled Hear the bird sing. Singing with the guttural sound because the ethers are not light enough to carry her notes. She swallows her song and it is forever stilled.

  • In The Morning

                            In The Morning                         Today is the day                                     I will preen my feathers,                                     open my wings and fly.                         Today is the day                                     I will breathe the elixir                                     of rarefied air                         and bring to me                                     All That Is                                     into a heart grown weary.                         And then I…