My Dawn of Tomorrow. . . Emma E.


Amid the noisy fever and unrest of the national and international worlds seizing our attention and wanting to be in our prime time, our lives must be lived with special consideration to what we must do something about immediately.  And immediate was the arrival at the end of November and starting the holiday season,  of a person in our midst demanding our concern.

She was a bit of humanity whose 1 pound 12 ounces complete required the best that our scientific knowledge of this world could give.  She had parents, grandson Harrison (Joseph IV) and Merideth Hallissey and the rest of family and friends’ immediate focus.   Embraced we all man’s earliest known connection from where we emerged and directed heavenward from where she came, were prayers.  The Ethers were inundated with our thoughts and pleadings that this soul whose arrival was at best premature at 11 weeks made her wisest decision to choose us as her family.

We are pleased with Emma Elizabeth’s progress.  She has many mountains yet to climb but is now  at 3 pounds and doing nicely,  thank you very much.  She continues taking our thoughts and conversations with her in our invisible worlds of which we know little.  But this grandmother great continues with her lectures to this giant of a soul whose presence in mind is a constant in my now physically limited world.

She has inched her way into the hearts and lives of all who care for her.  She is a marvel and mystery of how we as humans do this marvelous creative act of bringing into our world another, hopefully the best of us.  One who has the ability of changing and making a difference that will enhance our lives in ways we cannot envision.   In every act of creation there is a saving grace.

My aging mind cannot find in its capacity the ability to remember where I have read something that stays with me.  I tore out of an insert in a newspaper what a social worker by the name of John Chaillot said.  ‘You’ve seen a lot of things but the one thing you haven’t seen is tomorrow.’  I thought, oh my yes.  Much I have seen in my nearing the century mark but I haven’t seen tomorrow.

Emma E. represents tomorrow to me.  This bit of humanity has taken prime time and she must be established.   The curtain opens and she has burst on the stage, full of promise.  She is my dawn and only the dawn of tomorrow.

photos sent by Grandfather
Joseph Harrison Hallissey III
taken by parents and staff

6 responses to “My Dawn of Tomorrow. . . Emma E.”

  1. Know we will be imploring the heavens for that adorable little mite! Your dawn/tomorrow….I so like that thought.
    Thank you Veronica for continuing our conversation!
    Pat Evans

  2. Look at her eyes, surveying all, this old soul come you and yours to continue the lineage and to do who knows what wonders with her new life. Hold her close as she grows from your love.

    God…life is an awesome thing!


  3. Note: To Emma Elizabeth Hallissey

    You have chosen, wisely, a family of love and strength.
    They will love and teach you until you are ready to take over and show them the way.
    Grow strong. Learn fast. Remember the path you chose.
    Each dawn a milestone in a life full of promise.

    Welcome to our world.

    John Holmes

  4. email from Jody S. . . .She is just a doll! We all love her here in WNY and Syracuse too!


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