Dear Emma E. . .

Dear Emma E.. . .

We know each other although we haven’t put our arms around each other yet.  But we know the shape of our hearts.  And that is most important no matter what world we are in.

I am a big person,  but if I were little like you,  I would want a teddy bear  who sings from her heart.  I would put the bear nearby and before I would go to sleep,  I would wind up her tummy and listen to the music that came from her heart.  And in the music, my heart would answer and we both would be happy.

It would be a party in my most secret place and when I was lonely or unhappy,  I would remember this music.  That would make me happy again.

I hope you get to know this teddy bear as a warm friend.  She is sent with much love and a happy heart.  We are never too big for a heart that sings.  We both know that.

I have loved you since before the world ever was and will continue to love you forever.

Your Grandmother Great. . . . .

6 responses to “Dear Emma E. . .”

  1. How very blessed is Emma E. to have you in her life! This wee girl will grow within a very specialized atmosphere when she’s with you.

    Carry on Veronica. Give her all you know.


    • Suzanne, and I never stop lecturing. Everything is a lesson. I hope though that I don’t forget this time though to laugh more! Veronica

  2. What a beautiful letter to Emma! Can’t wait for you to meet her. Happy Easter Grandma!


    • Grandson Mark, I hope that Emma E. will look at this letter many times and think kindly. It will be a memorable day when we meet just as it was when you and I met. Loving you, Grandma

    • Maria, I am glad that thoughts travel well. It keeps us close to one another but I am sure Emma E. might sigh and wish I would keep still! I do hope she will consider me an asset in her heritage. Veronica

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