You Also, Have Been Wondering. . . .

1. Pity has no place in a life so rich.  Pity is no friend; he is the enemy who takes life.

2.  Our so called ‘love of people’ serves to hide our very limited love of persons.  When we cannot love
persons,  what good to say we love people?

3.  Or is it that people are wonderful but persons are an annoyance?

4.  It costs nothing to love the world.  It costs much to love the ones sharing your space,  your wallet
and your genetic history.

5.  When stress becomes unbearable, we are then pressed to broaden our understanding and learn.  Or
else we fall apart in front of the children.  And who then, will they look up to?

6.  What man truly wants to learn, he will.  Spirit discerns the well intentioned and the readiness of the

7.  When an ideal is realized, it becomes tiresome and tiring to keep moving the carrot on the stick.

8.  The camouflage systems we construct are so intricate that an architect would indeed be proud and
no  doubt win kudos for.

9.  It is a wonder how we as humans can endure the anguish of loss when we hold no knowledge of
other worlds.

10.  Physical activity oftentimes is an innocent escape from the odorous obligation of thought.  As long
as the body does, the mind does not have to.

11.  The physical world is designed to dissipate the mental energy that would have the body fragment.

12.  Hope still remains the world’s most powerful antibiotic.

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