Pondering The Imponderables. . .



After a harrowing time for our country,  we draw back to breathe and wish for uneventful, or common good.  For me at this time,  I come forth after a nightmare of a month that began with a simple ear infection, migrated the following week to a root canal and ended two weeks later after a debilitating body called halt with a world folding upon itself unto grateful oblivion.  The fire department as well as the ambulance arrived to take me to South Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville where ICCU held me for 5 days to bring a disorganized body back to the living.  I thank all of the staff who worked diligently to help this human establish her place of origin. They worked very hard to make me well.  They did not give up on me.

The unrelenting pain from the root canal, the chest episodes and the final rooting out of the blocked artery presented more problems I simply could not comprehend.  That at 85 I survived this time is even more difficult to comprehend.  And wondering in the minutes between the imposing events,  I wondered how I would be getting onto a plane  next week to make the move to California where my caretaking, loving family is moving.  And trying  with all might to make this as uneventful a trip as possible.  My eldest son is accompanying me.

We are moving to the Irvine, California area and packing this week.  I am gaining in strength today and finding the air fresh again,  and the sky as beautiful as ever.  I wonder the blessing upon my head that I have children who care so much that my presence is desirable still in their lives.  I hope I continue to be a blessing to them.  They are the jewels of my life, the awards that hang on my heart.  This world could give me nothing to compare to those of my  heart’s commitment.

I am grateful to find surcease in my mind’s work.  I immersed my senses in my  works of previous times last night and came across two passages that stirred me.  The scribing said that freedom of choice is each’s wish in this world.  There are those situations where the choice is made and there is no freedom.  Because of the situations surrounding the act, there appears a commitment of conscience that cannot be disregarded.  For many,  neither the commitment nor the conscience are a reality.

And the other was brief.  I believe, the vagrant from the heart said, I believe, help thou my unbelief.  The awareness that such a thing exists, that it is the source of difficulty, means that the healing begins.   

In the light of the events of this past week,  let us believe that the healing truly begins.

One response to “Pondering The Imponderables. . .”

  1. May your journey to the othe end of the country be safe and easy. Winter scenes like this will have to remain a memory.

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