Around The Bend. . .



When our David was twelve or thirteen,  he lay on his bed in the room he shared with  his brother and walked the walls in his stockinged feet.  When I get to be a star in the sky,  he said,  I will shine down and give power to help  people as they need  to get through life.  I looked dumbfounded at this son who thought heavy thoughts as common fare.  I tell you this to show you that levity with truth can be injected in the everyday conversation even in the most mundane of places.

In  my recent poem  I scribed,  I was duly reminded that a heavy dinner of food  or thought brings dyspepsia.  It brought a hiccup to my breathing and I was brought up sharply.  And I appreciated the fact that the heavens get tired as well as humans.  I hope you can share this with me.  It made me laugh.

Around The Bend. . .

I was told
you have stretched
your boundaries
as far as you can and the rest
will require another world.

You work too hard at this, he said.
Break the pattern because
you do not need more information
to underscore what you already know.

What good to understand
worm holes and black holes, white holes
and time warps.
You work with them every night
when you flutter in and out
of worlds and know your way around
the bends of light.
You don’t need anything more.

You need a good stiff drink
of more than cola.
Love, take a bender.
You need rye, straight.

I say, around the bend
there will be a hand;
someone to pull me up.  .

around the bend will be a someone
to pull me up. . .I know.




3 responses to “Around The Bend. . .”

  1. e mail from Suzanne Tate. . . . Love this! You hit it right on the head.


    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Suzanne and Maria, A shot of straight rye would be more potent than cola and probably make me sit up straight! The muses can be funny at times. . . .I loved your comments!

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