The strength of man is in himself and not in an Other.
Knowing what to say is a social skill. Meaning takes the form of action in the heart.
The emotions generated by an event in one’s life hold a panoramic view of the entire life. To dislodge one sacred cow will diminish the whole herd.
What is purposefully discussed is not always successfully resolved. What one says is not necessarily what one has incorporated within one’s fabric.
What is hidden will surface and cannot be forever controlled.
A rock in the head is hard to take. It hurts and leaves a welt. But a heart which is pressed gives not blood but wine.
There is no better place than here where you are now because unless you have earned a better place, the lessons will be repeated.
Civilized man puts order into his existence but not into his life.
In the cliché ‘come hell or high water’, hell is closer than you think and high water is not too far either.
If we do not understand the wind, we will be caught in the whirlwind.
May the angels rock your soul with lullabies and the gods listen carefully to your lectures.
And yes, it is time for the world to know that when heaven does not speak to the individual, it is time to ask why not.