As It Was. . . .

Paraphrasing the Teacher in a journal entry of a December past. . . .

‘She quietly opens the door and slips to the crib, not knowing the child’s father has already retired for the night in the room.  She watches the child in sickness and the son watches his mother with her magic chants as they drew from his son the illness causing such heartbreak. 

You can do it, he was thinking.  You can do it.  And he was in awe as he watched this woman profoundly calling on a benign force that would move the sickness from the body of his son.  He watched you move those hands in air that was vibrant with the power pouring through you.  And he said that this is my mother and this woman I don’t even know.

And he knew that in all that had transpired , in all that he watched, he would take to his writing and pour out what was observed, and if not observed, he would have known anyway.  Let the power move through me and make me an instrument of thy peace, he said.  

Touched were those hearts needing to be touched.  There will be a respite and a growing and a power to make whole.’

In the morning a wiped out toddler recovered enough to stand and shout his demands to rattle the crib.

In the following years I learned that the undergirding of our Universes is an ethical premise that supports life and demands of each of us the highest and best we can be.  It may be benign but it is a spiritual power and it does not matter what we call this power, God or Allah or Jehovah or Christ.  It is ethical and demands us to aspire to our best.  We know intuitively and welcome obstacles that require we test our courage before meeting the greatest of our challenges however different for each of us.

I Pray. . .

Let this pass, if it is thy will.

I Hear. . .

Look beyond the Light
into the face of the morning sun

to see that the Light beckons and extends.

It would grant you peace
should you let it.
It will grant you life
should you welcome it.

Amen and amen.


4 responses to “As It Was. . . .”

  1. Happy next year to you, Veronica. And Thank You for your words, always pertinent and heartfelt.
    Hope you are as healthy as you need to be to see that adorable little grand girl of yours (great grand?)
    and to do what you need and want to do.
    Love, Pat

    • Pat. . Thank you for your presence. I keep you in mind each time I do my posts. I hope to give back some part of what I have been Given as long as I am able. Thank you for your support.

  2. Sweet Sweet Veronica, what wondrous words you string together and tangle thoughts – like the Christmas lights I have just now put away — may we all be of peace this year, so that when we pull those lights out again next year, we will feel untangled and at rest.
    Love, Connie

    • Connie. . .Such nice words from a grand poet herself! Your encouragement to my life in words I cannot repay. Have a good year in all ways of Heart.

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