How High Up You Reach. . . .


What is hidden will surface and cannot be forever controlled.


Manipulation is the black boot sitting on the head.


A broader view is the fullness of a larger life.


How to teach Within is the treasure and without the Within there is no Without.


Trying to stay sane in an insane world is not easy.  Especially when you see what you see is a curse and a blessing.


Old beliefs are a security blanket.  But already they become bare when the nap has been plucked from them.  It is then time for new thought to cover old butts.


It is not the common lot of man to pursue learning what he only glimpses.  The extraordinary man who persists is the one the heavens pursue.


Given enough rope every man will hang himself.  They will also pull themselves up the mountain.


Race the night to its completion for the morning will arrive and demand something from you.


How high up you reach is how high up you jump.

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