tell me what it means. . . LIFE ADJUNCTS . . .

Life’s adjuncts. . . veronica                                                                                                           

Stumbling on previous writings,  i find they leave emotions awakened again.  If they do this to me, they also do it to others.  I find my thoughts would have had me selling my soul to have found someone like me on a journey similar which would have prevented much damage .  where it has led me , i will soon find since my terminus is upon me. 

I will make my latest thoughts that impact older writings because the twig bent had a history when I took form in these times.  Vibes of this century have colored me with a psyche somewhat different and i hope with more intelligence.  And why these differences had to be accepted in my core for me to continue.

I am life’s adjunct named . . .   veronica and this is who i am . . . . .

         Tell me what it means. . .

With the leaking draft of the early consensus of the Roe v Wade controversy,  suddenly confronting me  are meanings of words and phrases I have used and hopefully explained my meanings.  I truly don’t know if my  meanings relate to what you think about the subjects I’ve written.

I would like to know what you think.  Not what you have read that someone else has thought.  No doubt it was the basis of your studies as well as mine.  And then you have spent time in a quiet place and  given yourself to the process of thought.  Over time it helps us form conclusions as well as give more substance to other questions.

Learning is a full time work.  It is what I hurry to when supper is over and private time engulfs with hours of personal freedom.  Like I, you have taken off work clothes and in comfort admit to the night that you are ready.  For what is a personal choice.

For me it seems minutes when I  look at the clock and wondering what happened to the evening.  And as I type this, the phrase  `life everlasting’  has meaning for me and I wonder if you have given thought to it.  I wonder what has been added to your understanding and where it has taken you.

Most of  the people in my  growing  up life were Christians and said the Lord’s prayer every day and some times many times a day.  Included might be life everlasting as taught in Sunday School and said in conclusion to the prayer.  What meaning does it  hold?

It was in a bushel of phrases with the likes of I remember and then, why do I remember whatever has haunted me?  When I did my best, why was my life not working?  Why was I crying and why were they fighting and arguing?  The bushel was filling up fast with questions and also I was telling the big people why I did not believe what they said when I knew what I knew.

And when I came to life everlasting it had meaning for me and it began with  forever and ever amen and amen.  And that did not mean lying about on a cloud like many believed and were happy about.  At least it seemed to me that they were happy.

So now I ask you what does life everlasting mean to you.  And how you came to that understanding.  Does it mean forever and ever for you?  Let me know because I am interested.  I don’t look for essays just a comment or two.

We have been friends for a long time and I value our friendship.

Don’t Stare At The Moon

Any farmer knows
you don’t stare at the moon too long.
You get a little soft in the head, they say.

What they really mean
is that magic overtakes you
and carries you to the place of green fields,
of orchards heavy with fruit
and cucumbers cultivated straight
as a shot of rye whiskey.

What they really mean is that the magic
will make you see fields to be seeded
and calves to be born
and worlds to be peopled.

What they really mean
is that you will fall in love
with your earth
and in awe watch the wheat weave its gold mat
right over your eyes.

It is a softness of the heart man fears,
for the myth must enforce
the hard head to blunt

the pain of life everlasting. . . .



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