To Remember Is Our Liberation. . .


I remember once or many times saying that I wish to pick up a book and understand what they were saying.  I wanted wisdom.  I wanted to understand.  I wanted there to be a difference about me that others could see and say she is different.  I am different.  Our words are the same but meanings  others cannot relate to.. . .

I wanted to shake the world and say, look what is going on.  I want to say look at the heart of the other.  And if you look at the heart of  the other you will see nothing else.   But before you do, you must look at your self.

We were told the unexamined life is not worth living.  If you can unabashedly,  without an alibi and with courage of a supreme sort,  look at your self and in a frame of reference you choose see what  and who you are and act accordingly, you are on the right path  It is as simple and as difficult as that.

The camouflage systems we construct are intricate. An architect would be proud  and no doubt win kudos for.  And we are architects and creators both  and we deny this all the time.  We choose to think we are thrust into a dervish of some sort, at odds with our environment and at the mercy of an unmerciful god.  To think that we ourselves  create and manipulate for advantages we are ill equipped to articulate, is an anathema.  But we do this all the time.  We deny what we choose.  And we choose to forget what we choose to forget.  Our protection is uppermost in our lives.

To remember would put a burden on our lives.  To remember would demand an involvement  that would be uncomfortable to say the least.  We bask in the shaded twilight of our shadows, never ever knowing that to step into the light would reveal ourselves to us who we are.   It would be our own liberation revealing who we are.  We are afraid to know because at once we would know who we are and who our brother is.

He is Me.

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