Making A Money Cannot Touch Difference . . . .


We have been overwhelmed with the breaking news of national and international consequence.  I leave those voices to reweave the news and now give thought to what we share in common when even sleep does not rescue us.  Our efforts  to make a difference seem embarrassing when the world needs a step -in by a Great God.  But we know that life improves only when our behavior does. 

Before throwing in the towel, let me post this journal entry scribed from July 17th, ’94 on making a difference.  I had gone twice into cardiac arrest  in May ’93  and my cardiologist tiredly pounded life back into me.  As the last one of 8 siblings still here, I still wonder the why of me.  We wonder if we make a difference?  Let me give you this.

July 17,’94—    On making a difference . . . .

You wonder if you make a difference.  You do those things that escape the notice of people.  But without the choice of kindness, of good, of decency, of courtesy, the world truly could not go on.

The smallest act of mercy has large repercussions.  Remember that.  When the smallest act of kindness is received it is passed on without thinking because the act gains a life of its own and struggles for expression.  It gathers momentum as it moves through the person’s hands, their life and those about them.

It is these acts of kindness,  of good, of love that keeps the earth’s purpose in mind.  And the earth continues to vibrate its song and sings it for the ears that are destined to hear.  One person can delay it but no person can stop it completely. Delayed only but never destroyed.

The many acts of kindness and goodness you dispensed  took their proper route and touched many lives giving to each a measure of estimation they could not reach alone.

(we are the example and the cherished purpose. . . and I think that the smallest acts have no money value . . .because they are priceless and money cannot touch. . .)

family photo. . .

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