the best gift of all. . . . and best friend. . .

our minds as companion . . .to treat with respect.  And the next statement must be, how much better can life be?  When to thy Self be true, could we be not true to everyone?

If I could wave my magic wand and grant a loving wish to all children born into whatever worlds are chosen, I would choose to garnish all wishes with the best wish of all. . . to grant a curious mind.  And the curious mind announces its arrival by the first simple ‘why?’

To accompany that mind I would grant loving grandparents down the street to whose arms I would have the child run when life would threaten to overwhelm.

And the child would learn that when the appropriate lessons for community living become a bit much to live with, the grandparents would grant surcease.  That pause to refresh  that only they could know would do.  And bring out the paints and the music and the ideas that flow profusely from them to the child. 

For Biology 101 teaches  that there is more of the grandparents in the grandchild than either  parents, whether we talk of the fruitfly or the human being.

And therein lies the salvation of the future of our species.  For in the embrace of the grandparents lies a wealth of experience that promises the child that this too shall pass.  That herein lies what we hold sacred forever.  What  we learn to do because it is fun to learn, exciting because it is new to us and we can do it! Or because we feel good about ourselves.  It makes us feel stretched bigger than we are when we make ourselves better.

And to learn to feel good about ourselves, we will want others to feel good about themselves.  So we will do the good thing whenever we have the chance.  Until it is always a part of who we are.  And it brings to mind, doesn’t it, that this is what being a human being is all about ?

When we know to do the good thing is what we are born to do, we wear the right thoughts for the mind of  the world we are in.  And find also when we do it right,  we grow into a universal mind.   The universal mind being  the one that qualifies us in all worlds, for what will be demanded of us.

Amazing that we get parents to teach us what we need to learn and grandparents what will ease what we have to learn.  And it all begins with a  sacred ‘why?’ that says ‘let good works shine that others can see and do what we must to enhance life in all ways. . . for everyone. . .

I don’t remember anyone promising fun and games, though, do you?  Memory seems to fail when 100 years looms close. . .

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