Category: Essays

  • The Dance

    There is a dance that our feet learn to do when first we stand up.  That dance is learned well, for even when our feet no longer dance, our phantom feet  remember the dance.   They itch to dance.   And under penalty of death we think, we stay with it.   If we decide…

  • A Resolution

    Let us resolve to fall in love with our Earth.  Since many resolutions have already died let us fall in love with our Earth and keep her alive.  Yet how does one fall in love with Earth?   It is easy.   It is a different kind of feeling, a oneness, a union that nothing dissolves nor…

  • A Life Worthy

    Life is kind to those who treat her kindly.  But if intensity, with its power is used, then life desires to meet her match.  And uses the match for preparation to a higher glory that has little bearing on what one believes.   It is not a matter of life in a hereafter that has one…

  • We Are Asked

    In each of us is our dream, our desire.   The striving, the process is the only thing worth the struggle.  This is why we work at it.   All else are diversions.   They are but a tangent of the premise.  Either the striving or the process finds the dream for us or we do not find…

  • War No More

    In my mind I am still in the midst of the Big War as my generation called it.   I am collecting my belongings,  gathering them closely under my long, big black coat and huddling close to vacant buildings.  The snow is dirty  with footprints and other soot beneath my feet and I long to have…

  • Our Sacred Source

    I heard a grandchild say at a very young age, ‘when mama is happy the whole family is happy.’  I have seen when a family is in turmoil, in sickness, in argument, that nothing goes well.   It is then that the hot water tank springs a leak, the washing machine no longer washes and we…

  • Forever Is A Long Time

    Premises are the foundation upon which we construct our systems of belief.  There are those of us who come replete with boundaries signifying right and wrong and what is kosher and what is not.   Then there are those who come in with wings attached it seems.   And then there are the ones who have nothing…

  • A Trying Thing

      It is a trying thing we do.  We want to understand what we remember of a specific time when all we have are bits of memories and what historians say went on at the time.   But we cannot take as fact all that we read or hear.  Everything written cannot be taken as gospel.  …