Consider These. . . . . .




Consider these. . . . .

The Knowledge says that let this pass if it is Thy will.   The heavens say to look beyond the light into the face of the morning sun and see that the light beckons and extends.   It would grant you peace should you let it.   It will grant you life, should you welcome it.

The memory bank is filled with uncashed checks.   Is not the resolving of the unresolves where the real money is?

If one sees a problem, make certain the individual concerned views it as a problem also.   Otherwise you will work the blind alley and nothing will be resolved.   In this case the old expression for the people involved and not concerned is ‘leave them to their own gods.’

We are now knowing what the high cost is of the sins of the father’s bigotry on their progeny if only connected by centuries of indirect descent.

The kinds of bigotry caused by preferred prejudices are shadows moving on a wall that keeps moving.   It is very slippery. It leaves soil on generations that even bleach cannot reach.

Because of the sheer devastation of persons, the Gnostic Gospel of Phillip was right.   The gods should be worshipping man trying to clear up the ancestors’ unresolves.   The devastation pollutes the air and pollutes the heart.

When memory is finally restored of many lives and many loves,   will we find the worst bigots to be those most recently freed?


photo by John Hallissey

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