Pieces Of The Rock



Pieces Of The Rock

Destiny causes us to pursue what is inherently ours, pleads our cause and then the ethers guard jealously the petitions.

The intangibles provide the greater obstacles in life.

The storm is the whirlwind but what follows is gentle on the brow.

If your batteries need recharging, how will you light up the world?

When the heart takes a sabbatical, more than a transplant is needed.

Easy to be philosophical on a full stomach?   Physical hunger is only one of many hungers and the easiest to satisfy.

If one can afford it,   a blank check can be written to feed the world’s physical hunger. No amount of money can touch spiritual hunger.

We tire eventually of depending on sheer endurance.

Solitary communion feeds.

One response to “Pieces Of The Rock”

  1. All sorts of truths…. Finally, it is ‘solitary communion’ that nourishes.
    This assumes the understanding of those absolutes…. I like the image of ethers surrounding and pushing petitions forward.

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