A Morning’s View

20150814_074546a mind’s wanderings. . . . .


One man’s highest desire need not be an others’.  And if one’s highest desire is to survive,  then reincarnation is one’s only alternative no matter what world.


When one is painfully aware of life’s brevity, others then tend  to shy away from any intimation of mortality.  That is one reason people own dogs.

Guilt has many faces.


This mother is not so subtle a son says when she kisses her adult children on the forehead to see if they are feverish.


In a family, the genetic and emotional connections can be used by and of themselves.  The very things we find stifling and inappropriate are the very things we use to draw strength from.  And if we have siblings, because of our numbers, we gain strength.


To draw on what is good for us requires maturity.  We are apt to discard all before realizing some things are worth holding onto.


Glory is often as fleeting as one’s presence and when one  is gone, so is the glory.  What remains is often the sediment of who we are.


Man needs solitude to digest and make concrete his philosophical position.  If he has one, that is.


Gaining another sense does not mean separation from self consciousness.  It means you are saddled with what you have been and then given another view of what you can be.  The dichotomy is excruciating.


Cosmic consciousness is a mixed blessing.

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