Simple Observations

Simple Observations

Creativity requires expression and the expression will take on the coloration of the individual souls.  And memory being what it is would soon color the manifestations, would soon color situations with a diversity that would promote problem situations in order for Beings to work and live together.  It is how worlds are born.


The only purpose in doing a thing is what you bring to it.  Without the personal intent to do good or bring beauty,  the work is dead.  It may look all right but if there is no life in the creation, the project’s life will be of short duration.


It is far easier to prolong a situation waiting for it to work itself out.  Confrontation is not for everyone.  Especially when history has shown on whose shoulders the workload will fall.


When a lesson is simply given, in simple words, there is an enormously complex system behind it.  With most of it unsaid.


Can  one demand that someone grow up?  How does one do that?  When something is outside our frame of reference or will require a something from us, we will fight tooth and nail to remain innocent and free of taint.  We preserve our naivety because we think the new will undo us.  That we will go babbling down the street and be caught by the fellows in white coats.  Far better to be comfortable in what is familiar, otherwise we might have to think.


If you keep yourself too tired to think, then of course you don’t have time to be afraid.

2 responses to “Simple Observations”

  1. Pat Evans from her i phone. . . Oh my, this is powerful!
    Feel a kind of urgency in your latest posts. I certainly agree with your thoughts; when, not if
    and engaging is hard, but oh so necessary! Thank you Veronica!

  2. Pat. . .thank you for responding. Sometimes it seems that only my eyes see what is urgent and necessary. It is not so of course, but I want to knock on foreheads and ask is anyone home in there! It does not make me pleasant to live with. I appreciate your response.

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