Practicing Proverbs. . . a worn path



The justification is there for everyone’s life.  We are redeemed.  And the eulogies certainly point this out, don’t they?


Is it knowledge or faith in us that if push comes to shove, our God will rescue us.  Give it thought.


Freedom of choice is a responsibility.  It is also a sacrament


Man speaks with a forked tongue.  It generally has food for the belly on it.


People close their eyes to what they see because what they see will contradict what they choose to believe.


They use their bodies as the altar for the perpetual child.  They raise the chalice to venerate the holiness of youth.


People do not listen to what they say.  If they did, they would not speak.  Those who speak, don’t know.  And those who know, don’t speak.


To give Grace before a meal is a generous gesture.  But if the truth be known, it is for public consumption.  It adds humbleness to the reputation voicing elegant beatitudes.  When the one whose back is tired from preparing for the multitudes speaks their thanks to the larger Spirit,  it is true Grace.  For then the meaning of stewardship is known.


Sometimes information is beyond what the individual can possibly assimilate.  It is there for the taking but not for the assimilating.  It somehow has to fit before it can be worn.


photo by
Kathy Qualiana

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