Think It Through. . . .

Think It Through. . .

All thought which holds the life’s crucible for an Other’s well being is prayer.  Any conversation which holds the good of Others in its heart is prayer.


What seems like a tragedy in the absurd and obscure is indeed a well thought out and prescribed drama. . . oftentimes.


Bless the good day and blow the winds of fear as far from as to the ends of the Earth.  The alternative is more of the same in a place where progress is not as swift.


Tears aside,  there is eternal life within each and for each to discover.  One cannot hand it to them already chewed.  It is theirs to do.


Wait not for death.  Be vigilant only of life in all its forms, in its entirety.  One cannot break a will which heralds its own functioning to its own existence.


It is enough that the articles of faith be hidden for as long as they have behind the façade of the mind grown into habitual lack.


It is time for even the skeptical mind to be convinced that what is seen is not necessarily all there is to be seen and what is heard is all that is being said.


You cannot know what deep is until you have fallen into a hole.


You cannot rush in and guide the cart to avoid disaster.  Disaster brings lessons which cannot be learned any other way.  Even when the extra work falls on your shoulders.  Suck it up.


We walk on cobwebs but we are cobwebs.  We are not certain what the final outcome will be.  What we are certain of is the process.


Don’t lose your grip.  Heaven is tightfisted also.


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