Month: March 2020

  • Help Balance Our World. . . .

    Where is this place called home?  The elders often sit with a distant look and one hears them say I need to go home.  Most lives have given no exact place to these words, but all of us have heard them said since we were children. I brought this place with me when I arrived…

  • Not Better, Not Lesser, but Diverse. . . .

    It was 2 ½ years ago that I posted what a stumbling block I had and did not know  I carried.  When something was so obvious to me, all evidence pointed, words written, pictures and all, yet sitting across the table was one shaking his head no.  I was reading into the subject.  It did…

  • It Is What It Is . . .

    It All Connects. . . . This is kind of a sidebar explanation that I connected in my head from a long ago comment.  But first I want to say that an errand had to be run because we are still in the reconstructing of a kitchen needing final finishes. I asked son John who…

  • Education wears many booties. . . .

      Knowing the comics section as I do, it appears that she’s studying Doonesbury, which thrills my heart! Of course she’s already read Dilbert (on the front page)… Love,   Emma E’s grandfather     I never knew the supreme abilities of the comics to educate.  I remember when our two eldest,  Tresy and David first…

  • When Your I Am Is Recognized. . . life’s dynamics. . . .

    When your I Am is recognized. . . life’s dynamics. . The first time I became aware of being recognized as someone Other than this Veronica was having my brother Mike’s face light up like a Christmas Tree when I came to his house.  He was in the process of leaving life and when I…

  • You Have To Reach High . . . .

    Mar 10, ’87. . . I scribed. . . Where discipline is not thought to be self imposed. . . To know when one demeans one’s own system, is to debase the spirit within.  It is all a value system.  A value system.  And a value system worth its salt will not be maligned in…