It was 1974 that I awakened early and wrote what I remembered. The past is still happening, the future has already happened and here in the present, we race to catch up with it. . . . . forgetting the years of my walking around the neighborhood when presented with concepts too hard to absorb.
I had no one to lean on nor to talk about this. It was a solitary journey. Yet I read recently (years ago?) that Albert Einstein said unless time is understood, there would be no understanding of the ‘who I am’ in us.
(Feb 1, 2018—I scribed . . We deal with linear measurement. It has stabilized the environment and made teaching easier. Children now being born are versed to the enth degree in other worlds where they are familiar, here have difficulty with this Earth’s time element.
So now we insert the thought that all this has a connection. It is of utmost importance that the simultaneous worlds, of time and events are still happening is essential to growth.
We have here the ability which you display to live almost to a hundred with the idea which has sustained you through the years. You know that simultaneous is what you do as you cross boundaries in worlds that have no name. You take events and artifacts from one culture and take them with you and display them with the artifacts of the world you are in.
Where do ideas come from? You already have the makings of technology that other worlds already are using. They are brought through dreams, through meditation, through conference with other entities, beings which are in silence sometimes but vividly portraying the ideas through icons. The emphasis is always on progress with integrity. You get that. You see that.
What is being displayed now is reckless abandon of institutions which need to be respected. It has taken mankind a long and arduous time of it to come to this place where there is respect for law and enforcement of ideas which are good for the majority.
What we are seeing is the abandonment of courage which was hard won and now trampled on by spinelessness which is an embarrassment that must be contended. The panic and fright of grown people is not to be tolerated by the stubborn greediness and lack of respect which surfaces.
In the concept of simultaneous time we have a religious leader who tried to teach the concept of many worlds. When the man Jesus went to the mountain and spent time with the invisibles he was able to bring to man, then in the primary state, the concept of my father’s house has many rooms.
It would have been impossible to bring the idea of worlds such as the earth planet into thinking when man thought the horizon meant the end of the world he knew. The idea then of a universe full of whirling planets was impossible to conceive. What you have is the simple concept of a large house with rooms and you have gone into that many times.
When Jesus said to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s, he already knew that man had created a better and bigger version of himself. This is what the Grandfather God has evolved to.
It was impossible at the time of the Master and impossible now for some to think of the undergirding principle of the universes as the sacred as well as spiritual underpinning of all creation. That a sparrow is noted as well as the human is difficult but somehow spanning the abyss man does by the magnificence of the god he has created.
You go into this all the time with the ones who feel that the hand of God is on them but he was deaf and is deaf to the millions who scream in pain from hunger and mutilation. How to bridge the gap?
Take it one thing at a time. You place and rightly the spirit or sacred within man. How he is to claim his spirituality and become the divine soul in his right is what your work indicates. How to do it? You do it. Just do it. Inch by wretched quarter inch and we make progress.
The past is still happening. The future has already happened. And here in the present we race to catch up with it. This is the first concept that must be integrated. All that is necessary is for man to relate to his history.
See where man has been and where he is today and what he has not, not is emphasized, learned. Because if the lesson is not learned, we redo the lesson. Except the circumstances are not going to be as conducive as they were previously and may be more difficult for the student.
The past is still happening; the icons are being smashed, symbolizing centuries of man’s desire to translate the divine into the material. Take the thought, take the thought and emphasize it.
Not only does man smash the icons but also the humans who built them.