Month: February 2022

  • Ambient Adherence. . . the vibes they will teach us. . . .

    This I journaled in my Jan 14, 2022  entry. . . Much had been going on for most of the month of December and now into January with two hospital visits with atrial fibrillation and adverse reactions to new meds, I started a letter to friend John thinking to post it but I would have…

  • Courage. . . to wear as epaulettes. . . .

      What is visible is visible and what is also visible can be chosen not to be seen.  The depth of perception only depends on the inmost courage of the individual in his capacity to deal with impending events. Courage is not garnered overnight nor is it stored for all time.  It is fought for…

  • The Roses Are For You. . .for keeps. . .

    Long before the world ever was. . . . As co-creator and creature both of the universe, it is man’s prerogative and innate yearning to stand erect.  To bow down all the time leaves one eventually on one’s stomach.  Man rose from the crawling position.  There are too many yet who find the child’s position…

  • Often the Larger Picture is Universal Life Enhanced. . . . .

    What I have learned in these past times is that there are some things that cannot be improved upon.  Whether a recipe that has been perfected or something written that has stood the test of my time, meaning my physical life.  This is one of them.  And my measure has been my life of almost…

  • On Earth. . . 1954-1985

           When David Died . . . .  I say that David took the hands off my clocks.  It was the greatest gift he could give me. I tire of running my life with a large hand and a small hand. No time for this, hurry for that.  Do this now, do that…