Truisms. . . .

The heart will determine what the head sees and put into the eyes the meaning of it all.


Time is not of the essence, but quality of thinking is.  For the thought was already a thing in process before the action cemented it.


By their actions you shall know them.   By their actions you will see the fruits of their days.  And by our action, the heavens know the thought processes involved.


Some prayers are answered and some are not.  The final question should be, why not mine?


To change even one behavior pattern will demand that all behavior patterns be changed.  And many are not equal to the work.


It would also say that there was a deficiency in behavior and the need to say I was wrong.  And with advancing years can we wipe out a life while still living?


Heaven is an earned order and until one approaches the place where admission is qualified,  one cannot enter.  The homework first has to be done and the mind alerted.


Work has taken on an onerous meaning.  Play has taken on a sensual meaning.  Neither are correct.  Neither give full sway to the correct and apt meanings.


A creative shining spirit is fun to watch.  It is one, on whom the heavens bank their monies.


It is far easier to prolong a situation waiting for it to work itself out.  Confrontation is not for everyone.  Especially when history has shown  the one on whom the  workload will fall.


Sometimes the need to be wanted is only bested by the want to be wanted.


Kindness is never out of date nor is it old fashioned.


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