Category: Excerpts

  • The Mind’s Sampler

    (Do you ever wonder about. . . . The Martha(s) will serve and clear tables and see to the children.  Mary will also do what Mary(s) do. . . .puff up the pillows and sit at the Master’s feet.  It is a tenuous thread that speaks of a psychologically explainable condition.  Yet it does raise…

  • Stop it! Don’t Hurt Him! He’s My Brother!

    When much is given, much also is required. At what price, at what value is understanding? The Teacher As I look back upon the growth areas of my life, I still see the influence of the child within me. My family alternated between deep affection for me and a perplexity they could not reconcile. Mother…

  • Journal Entry Excerpt

    Excerpt from a journal entry I write and say. . . . . It is necessary for me to ask why; otherwise the peeling of my heart has no purpose. Why implies a reason, doesn’t it? So don’t start by saying it is not enough just to live and breathe and see and feel the…

  • Excerpt From The Last Bird Sings. . . . . . . .

        Excerpt  from The Last Bird Sings. . . .  The one who chooses to come with an open head is the miracle among men.   Are not all babies born this way and we masterfully close them up?                                     The Teacher It is not the happy child who upsets the apple cart of the…