Category: Poetry

  • The Laughter. . .

    In a lifetime of many years,  certain things stand out as a moment imprinted on a mind to last forever.  One is the good fortune of living as a neighbor to a family of daughters.  Their laughter in the course of days that presented worrisome events,  was the hallmark for life,  that somehow my own…

  • When The House Sleeps. . .

      Mornings have always been special.  The sounds blended on the street when Princess and I walked; the lights in the homes spoke of early risers,  the occasional car with lights on.  The dog down the street spoke his urgency to get matters started.  There still is a benevolence to the morning which I would…

  • It Takes A Yesterday. . .

      Scribed March 25, 1989. . .(Keep in mind the quantum theory that all time is simultaneous.  If it is difficult to accept I had to learn it to survive and  have consciously lived with it for well over a half century.) One must of needs supply a history to give meaning to the day. …

  • A Place Of Rest. . . .

    There can be less stress and stronger heartbeats if the persons involved could call upon what it is they know to help relieve situations,  and if not situations,  then relieve themselves . In every place,  in every nook and cranny that houses a soul,  there is a place to go.  If not physically,  then within. …

  • Time For New Thoughts. . .

    July 30, 2014 journal entry scribed . . . . (we do not want your readers to think that the hero’s journey can only be undertaken when one has free time.  We want them to see that it can be undertaken when one is in the midst of chaos and that it does give some…

  • Never More Than A Heartbeat Away. . . .

    Never More Than A Heartbeat Away . . . The wind had blown over the huge tomato plant and he was out of patience with his mother with her directions as to how to support it.  Her instructions were explicit and he shouted it’s only a plant!  And she almost in tears shouted back, it’s…

  • Where We Cook The Oatmeal. . .

    In the many studies on love and goodness, what appears to be evident is that when one is aware of good and when one comes to the time to do good,  the choices are few to do other than good.  When you become better and better,  your options cease.  Heaven goes one better.  When approaching…

  • In Tribute To A Beloved. . .

    To Lift The Plough At Last. . .   She said to me that when she felt Spirit ebbing,  she would toss her suitcase in the car and take off for The Farm.  She not only loved those who nurtured her but the Farm itself which somehow fed the city girl.  There, nothing was demanded…

  • Where Can We Go?. . .

                  Where Can We Go? . . . As the sparrow falls it is noted and the quality of life is diminished by one. Long ago the feathers were counted. The color of the downy beast was subtly painted into the rainbow. A child is born in the forgotten…

  • Time In The Heart. . .

                  Time In The Heart. . . I was an oppressed people. I wandered long and became very tired of wandering. I hugged the banks of the green river and shredded lives of high caliber. Crying hard and loud I voiced irritation that rubbed edges raw. And soon I…