Category: Poetry

  • Time’s Solace. . . Appreciated. . .

    When life generously offers some time to enjoy the last vestiges of breathable air, one guards those hours or days like Midas with his eyes on gold.  It is a gift to one whose head was incompletely closed and whose conscience unequivocally honed to needs of commitments. So the free time, the private time,  the…

  • The Simple Often Says It Right. . . .

        The Jenny Genes are rightly sometimes a curse as well as blessing.  It drives this writer to despair when the right word evades and the curse begins its perseverance work on me.  And search I do for the precise word.  For there is of course we think a precise word for everything.  We…

  • Connections I know. . .

    And you will know also. . .  Nine years ago, when I was 80, a grandson said I should do a blog.  Not knowing what a blog was, he proceeded to teach me.   This perennial student did not want to disappoint the good teacher.   Edited here is one of the early posts where I try…

  • A divine observation. . . .

      A divine observation. . .  You take love and wear as pearls. Shiny tears they once were. Shiny tears, but they fell to your breast and now they are gems. . . .                                          …

  • a soft goodnight. . . . .

    A soft goodnight . . . as night arrives and blankets all, we take rest that is ours and allow it to heal . . . for it is no small thing given but as with all, we use what is ours and gently put the day to bed .   the night still arrives…

  • When You Have The Obligation . . .

      Living The Martha Mary Story forever it seems. . . . . . It was the Martha -Mary story which raised the hackles and had me fuming.  Martha wished to sit and listen to her friend and exchange thoughts but Mary of course took the seat.  Mary did not offer to pour milk nor…

  • Under One Name. . . .

        Under One Name . . .  (Genesis. Chapter 1. Verse 26) Even the big guys prayed, the Kings, the Princes, the Presidents and the Oligarchs with their buying billions, in that part of the night; the part that kept them all awake. In that dark pit when even the warm bodies beside them…

  • We Will Talk Again. . . .

    We Will Talk Again . . . We will talk of philosophy and we will talk of poetry again like . . . .once upon a yesterday. . . . . We will talk of people and beings whose lives are woven tapestries of great wonder. . . . And we will again grace the…

  • When you are the ‘only’. . . it takes just one. . .

    So Who Cares. . . Nobody I guess. . . Except you do. . . All it takes is just one I hear, to look for the sun to rise each morning. . to look at the moon at night and wonder, where home is. . . to keep the world turning on its axis.…

  • When Each Day Is A Victory . . . and our hands touch. . . .

    Oftentimes we wish for words to say the wonderful phrase, that gives motive or impetus to a frame of mind that catapults our committed to things of highest value.  Yet there may be no words to say what needs be said.  What is upfront is already between the eyes. I remember looking in the mirror…