When we write our own personal ambitions out of the picture, we kill
all illusions. I feel kindly toward illusions and see them for what they
are. They are the finery with which we dress all the dailyness, all the
scullery to make it not only bearable but to elevate it also. That is a
noble endeavor. It is a god work.
There is much work for both men and women that I call scullery. It
is the scut work that keeps civilizations from crawling on their
bellies. I often thought that heaven was on the side of public utilities
for just that reason. It was the only way to contain the diseases from
killing off humankind.
A lifetime of working with illusion can produce great results. They
can add impressively to the record of man. What we do is think a
problem through many times to come to some conclusions, strictly
by effort. When that effort is noticeable, other elements contribute
and can be either visible or invisible. When we think we can make a
difference and see positive results, it can be and often is illusion that
drives us. When we see the results in the here and now it is a
reinforcing factor. We must take into consideration that even when
our efforts are not visible, we cannot discount them. What are not
visible of course are the parallel worlds that the physicists as well as
mystics speak of. When we think of thoughts as things, as having a
weight and a substance to them, they can be of use in many worlds.
It is not a far stretch from ‘my father’s house has many rooms.’ In
the Dead Sea Scrolls it was found in the gospel of Thomas where the
disciples questioned Jesus as to where they would go when they died,
convinced there was a place. And he replied that they never
questioned where they had come from so why worry where they will
be going. Since this has been an independent study for many years
with me, I find the knowledge of many worlds comfortable. It makes one clean up one’s thoughts a bit and maybe some might think it adds to my illusions. But when we give weight to illusions and life to them, we also add to the richness of physical life. No one knows for certain where our thoughts settle. I hope that what I think will make my light brighter and our universe(s) all inclusive.
What I am certain of is a dim bulb soon goes out.