Beyond Morsels. . .

Beyond Morsels. . . .

When one needs a fire to rest by, one often  has to build it first.  But no fire made by other hands warms as compared with effort gone into the building and fanning of one’s own flame.


You cannot list the world’s disorders without revealing yours in duplicate.  You identify them because you relate to them by knowledge of experience.  You cannot blame others for what they are unable to relate to,  seeing nothing of themselves in the ills surrounding.  And not being able to identify them,  they cannot do something about what they cannot see.   How to open eyes and by what process?


He spoke a good song but he did not sing it.


Kindness is never out of date.  Nor is it old fashioned.


The right to truth is mine to uncover.  The right to conceal belongs to the Other.


When illusion hides the reality, the bears become frightened.  And they stand and attack what could be their greatest gift.


Sometimes it seems that nowhere is the rational voice or the clean motive.  And there are none. There are only people who justify themselves and give forth with their justifications.  And the justifications are needed.  They could not continue otherwise.  Are we not one of them?


To think is to act.  To the Others it appears as doing nothing.  But it is a supreme undertaking one approaches.


Conscience is installed to monitor one’s life for one’s survival.  Conscience is memory of acts done to one with a memory of pain.


We are our belief system.  As we stand, we teach.


There are worlds being spun out of glossy webs that bespeak of spun sugars.


You cannot fool the nature of souls and souls have a way of propounding the innocent and the complex.  In the midst of all that is done,  the soul will fathom the doer and know beyond doubt what the motive and process has been.


art by Claudia Hallissey



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