What Keeps Us Awake. . . .

To stand straight need not be at the expense of an other’s fall.  It can be because of one’s need to reach higher than one knows.
Facing one’s self in one’s declining years is a task best left to those who point to the kudos on the walls.  They have something to point to and their sights rest on accomplishments.  Others wonder if they failed the mark.
God is a word most people stop at because the mind balks at its meager knowledge to proceed.
To not remember is to lock the vault only to have it burglarized.  One is then called to remember without those whose presence would  have made the memories bearable either in joy or sorrow.
But to put memories into a vault and to tightly lid them is to crowd the emotions into a body with sometimes a mind bending escape as a respite.
Justification is a personal thing.  It is what keeps us going when all about point the finger of accusation at us.
In the work is the beauty and once translated, the beauty is in the work.
All dreams are for sale.  They cost a lifetime and by then you realize it wasn’t quite what you wanted, more perhaps what was needed.
A cure based on someone else’s faith is a tenuous cure at best.
The ability to recognize what another does not want to do for himself is also the ability to know when the effort is wasted.  Wasted because to use another is the easiest way to go.
When one has the knowledge, one also has the obligation.


photo by John Holmes


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