Some Awards Do Not Hang On Walls. . . . .

Often we think nothing has been accomplished in our lives, so I encourage journal keeping, if only a few sentences limited to what one learns in the day.  Many of us have enlisted our efforts in what cannot be seen.  The journals will show the awards that hang on the heart and not on the walls.  They will show  that some awards money cannot touch and are priceless.

The following maxims and gleanings were taken from a June 10, 2013 entry.  Some were scribed and others focused in dialogue.  Sit with one or two and write what you know when they take your thought.  Surprise yourself with what you have learned on your journey. . .

Feeding a body is crucial but to starve a mind is criminal.
The world is full of many riches.  Mental activity in only one form is not for everyone.
We can walk from the mental buffet and eat a bit from all tables and never be at a loss to learn.
When husband and wife, daughter and son, sister and brother, friend and lover skills are not called upon, make cradles and cars, books and hats and be a prized trophy of a human.   Do and you will be shown  how.
How we conduct our lives and what we learn determines the world we prepare for.

What you love into being, you become and graduate to.
When you become the person you hope to meet, you are the person looked for.
Go with the God who made you.  He, She, It, They certainly did a good piece of work with you.
Remember, when beliefs are dislodged, often the person holding them is dislodged also.  But further study ALWAYS  enlightens because the premises are broadened, the picture enlarged.  Do your best and study hard.  Ancient studies  taught me that educating a son, one educates one man.  Educating a daughter,  one educates a family.   What happens on the world stage is determined by what happens within the four walls where one’s life begins.  Begin anew.

artwork by Claudia Hallissey

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2 responses to “Some Awards Do Not Hang On Walls. . . . .”

    • Claudia, good advice is generally common sense, but sometimes not too evident as common or sensewise. I think we find ourselves rationed of it. Your comments are appreciated.

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