Time’s Gleanings. . .

All knowledge is applicable to the self.  If it is used to manipulate and maneuver Others  it then becomes a game.
Insight implies sight to be applied inward.
Genuine laughter cleanses the toxic waste from swollen glands.
Only the secure one can afford to laugh at oneself.
To laugh at oneself displays a growth not to be measured in local currency.
The individual who has gone the route and places things in their proper perspective, knows that life is not a death matter.
Selfhood does not depend on the trends of the moment and our lives do not depend on what the world currently deems, but on personal premises.
Faith is blind of necessity.  The individual chooses an immunity necessary to quiet the questions which might delay other imperative lessons.
The framework we choose to inhabit is the security blanket covering emergencies that need to comfort the mind.
The treasure chest within each individual opens with the word ‘why?’
The word ‘why?’ will either start the journey or close it.
The camouflage system we use serves us well.  When a crack appears in the walls of mind where a stray thought might enter,  we run for the emotional plaster or caulking to seal the crevasses.
Like a dancer learning the discipline of a new score, we have rehearsed minute by minute to come to this place, this place of understanding where we are now.  If limited, time yet to change limited to broad.


2 responses to “Time’s Gleanings. . .”

  1. Emma E told me today, that she was a dancer before she was a baby. Perhaps that is why she stands on the tip of her toes so often. It is a habit she learned before she even arrived.

    Love and hugs,

    • Merideth, both you and Emma E. deserved an essay for this marvelous revelation. I never thought there
      would be anyone seeing with a touch of my perspective nor a young mother to welcome such a thought. It
      makes me glad I stayed the route but truly there was no option. The world has broadened itself and
      so has our scope of it.

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