An Affair Of The Heart. . .


An Affair Of The Heart. . .

If you are a front line worker, a miracle worker appearing first to cries of crises, and you are driving home at the end of the day, you begin to talk in the silence of your car.  You vent and cry with fatigue, with sadness, with curses and finally end your discourse as you turn down the street where you stay either with others or by your Self somewhere.

But here you are walking home in the rain and loudly talking.  You cry and the words are not elegant nor precise, just a wrench from a heart pressed for various reasons.  None of which speak to the fairness of anything.  No one notices your tears because in the rain everyone you pass seems to be crying.

But to whom are we talking?  I sit here and have  held conversations in mind that were company for who I am.  And for only slightly more than 13 years have seen my words of mind printed  by determination on the monitors.  When did I become conscious of the arguments of an Other and the comfort of a companion mind in conference?

It is what I call the greatest love affair ever we engage in.    

For when we reach the highest and best that we know,  that bar set for the highest mountain we can climb mentally still in our human skin, when we succumb to the intensity that has us roaring and venting, cursing and in great fatigue exposing our hearts in bas relief, that we are answered in like intensity by the Divine Within.

No respecter of social classes, but great respecter of our approach to work and our work ethics, of belief that the Each is of supreme value regardless what is held to be the currency value of the day.  The intensity of purpose will reveal the Who of who we are and we are assured to be more than the disheveled one we appear.

It is then we have  knowledge born to be ours.  That we are companioned and never abandoned though this was lost to us.  The night embraces us but in the morning we take our posts to be accountable.  We never have the language to describe this affair of heart which only is alive in mind.

But we know now it is another pearl of great price.

Concordance. . .true harmony. . .

The heart reaches out
in mute acceptance to that which is given.

It answers only that which
it perceives at its Source.

Its depth is mirrored by the very essence
of the soul’s reflections.

It wanders not among possibilities
but perceives also

the very essence of the mind’s abstractions. . . . 

art by Claudia Hallissey

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