Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Best Ever Oatmeal Cookies

    It was almost three quarters of a century ago that I was relegated to the kitchen at the age of 12 years to cook for my farm family because I could not work in the fields.   I became sick (turned green) in the sun and my mother took my place in the fields and I, …

  • Roses And Evergreens

    “ Do you wear the rose perfume?” she asked.   Yes I said and then she said that every time she caught the scent she wondered from where it comes and who walks with a bouquet of roses.  I wish it were so.   I would give you a rose.  . . . .thorns to be sure,…

  • Camelot Moment

    The words we chose to speak could not be construed to be words of great love, but they were. It was with gaiety that we chatted about the commonplace and laughed a lot. We were happy. I sat in my chair at the dining room table and watched with joy a moment rare in our…

  • I Sought My God

    I sought my God in pleasures great and small. In beautiful places one was told, He would be found. I have traveled much this world to know if God be found across the sea, in foreign lands, I had to seek. The Roman soil was holy, surely He would be there! Though history stirred my…

  • Effort Becomes The Way

    Take ye  and do likewise He said and I believed Him. When effort becomes the way and in a blink of an eye, becomes a pleasure, nay fun, one becomes suspect. For in layman’s terms work is not pleasure but desultory means of making a living. Woe is the pilgrim who in life respects the…

  • At Fifty One

    This morning I took spade in hand and dug the young and fragile marigolds out of their crowded rows and thinned them out. With dowel in hand I lifted these slender stems into holes I designed for them. I eased their change in residence under a cloudy sky promising rain.  It did. And their trauma…

  • Conscience

    Conscience is a mouth guard I wear to keep my heart from spilling onto the cold, hard ground. I would want my words to meet your thoughts, to brighten your furrowed brow and dismiss the fear from your eyes. But only when I see an invitation to speak will I let loose the guard. This…

  • A Time For Making Peace

    It is a time for making peace. . . . for actions that struck the core of the heart. . . . for words that sucked life out of a body still intent on breathing. Those were actions and words that should have been vented when anguish and outrage stole the child’s innocence. And now…

  • Teaching The Children

    The snowflakes were just barely visible when the younger looked hopeful and asked if we could make a snowman.   Well I said, there really had to be a lot of snow on the ground before we could roll it up into a ball and make a snowman.   But we could stay up later he said…

  • About The Journey, The Process

    One brother told his other brother and underscored that the journey is the only thing, the process if you will,  is the only thing worth the struggle.   And I found the following notes in my work from the Teacher and the Teacher said: To be able to come to this conclusion, truly is what we…