Category: Essays

  • All Things Will Be New Again. . .

    It has been a productive week and I nicely surprised myself that I have not forgotten how to do something I learned over a half century ago. I had a neighbor who was an interesting, eclectic man who knew a whole lot about a number of things.  And he was a scrounger who watched for…

  • Adam, where art thou? . .

    (In transferring data into subject titles from my journals for easy reference into the computer, I come across discussions which answer some questions I am now asked.  Some of the discussions have been with our sons whom I have mentioned in my posts.  They have been my best teachers.  In philosophy questions I have bowed…

  • God In A Rock. . .

      God In A Rock. . . . Stay with me for a bit.  This may seem unconnected,  but it vitally connects.  Peter Wohlleben while tending a forest in Germany came to the realization that there is communication and relationships among trees.  He writes about this in a book called The Hidden Life of Trees. …

  • In A More Perfect World. . .

    There were just a few of us gathered when we were young and the talk was rising in enthusiasm about what a swath to be cut by the young on the political scene.  There was energy and ideas with a tail wind to push these things to fruition.  We would make a difference where our…

  • Do. . . and you will be shown how. . . .

    Do . . . .And you will be shown how. . . . When I was a girl Shirley Temple curls were popular and I sorely wished for a doll with real hair.  I wanted my doll to have curls.  My mother occasionally bought Honey Crush bread I think it was called and I coveted…

  • White Anglo Saxon Protestant. . . what it means to me. . . .

      White Anglo Saxon Protestant. . . what it has meant to me. . . The families had gathered for our marriage and we were getting ready to leave.  The favored aunt in my new family said in parting,  I hope you are good enough for him.  I gasped and stumbled and was silent.  There…

  • We Are Heaven’s Reflection. . . are we proud?. . .

    My readers are the most intelligent of the top one percent of the reading public. They teach by their comments all the time.  Some of them wish not to be quoted which I respect and cherish also those who comment publicly.  I grasp with eagerness what they say. One said there are places I would…

  • The Cut Of The Cloth. . . .

      Several years ago I wrote that an elderly once said to me people only know what you tell them.  My reaction was a gasp! because she believed that.   There was no exposure to people more knowledgeable or more observant than she.  Although she would adamantly vow her God knew everything and nothing was forever…

  • Come To The Table. . . you are invited. . . .

      Come To The Table To Share. . . . Several years ago a loved one said to me you take such giant steps and expect others to follow you and we just cannot!  This was a surprise to me because everyone seemed yards beyond me and I was trying desperately to catch up. It…

  • Words From A Borning World. . . .

    (from a recent journal entry edited only for space) So there was no one to talk to.  No one who understood the worlds I trespassed nor was welcomed in.  I stayed.  And took cover in what I had to do which left me open mouthed every time I heard something that belly whopped me with…