Category: Essays

  • We Can Always Say. . . not ready. . . .

    On What We Build Our Lives. . . The construction is still in process, but we are nesting!   I am not sure it is Maudie, but surely a younger.  No doubt word was given that if babies are on the agenda, ‘this place is one we know and trust.  And they talk to you with…

  • Dreamed Into Being. . .

      Physical and mental boundaries are not finite.  We often speak of primitive religions disparagingly.  It does not take a genius mentality to see that in this tech world we have lost the spiritual connection to the cosmic populace. We speak of life everlasting yet are afraid to die.  We speak of resurrection and buy…

  • Prayer In Concert. . .

    In Conference. . . I was a young girl when the priest came to our home and my mother saying. ‘I don’t know who teaches her because I don’t.  I don’t know where she gets her ideas.’  Years of criticism for my different ideas but my work habits were praised.  I was diligent, thorough and…

  • The Heart’s Excess . . .

      ‘The circles she made in the air went round and round and she said The Teachers are telling me that the only way to get off is to step off.  And we can get back on again. And this was the Earth she talked of.  She made circles with her hand while she lay…

  • Drunk of the High Wine. . . .

    It was a difficult lesson for me to  integrate.  It is for most people.  One of quantum  premises is that all time is simultaneous.  Those who follow my blog know I speak of this often.  It is difficult for me to write of experiences if I neglect to incorporate a fact that makes my work…

  • We Don’t See What We Don’t Know To See. . . .

    Most of us have heard of black and white holes in space.  When  massive stars burn out gravity causes them to collapse and shrink out of sight.  A black hole appears and matter disappears into this.  Matter  then appears elsewhere in our universe or other universes.  My understanding is simplified. Everything has energy especially our…

  • Love Is The Answer. . .

    Love, But Not Without Work. . . . It was with derision that laughter came because I said love was the answer.  Naïve I was called and impractical.  I was told I did not know how the real world works. But not without work I added.  Love needed work.  Wherever we were,  the boots had…

  • We Need Balance. . .

      Inadequate.  They say I make them feel inadequate.  I require something of them but they don’t know what.  I tell them they do but they have misplaced the skill they had when they would grab thoughts and run with them. It was an exciting high brought on by them mastering life and know they…

  • Psalms of Love . . . in paperback now

    I am so pleased to be writing this post to let you know that the paper back edition of Psalms of Love is now available in the store.  I want to thank you for being so patient with the ambiguities of publishing and getting it altogether to match whatever the specifics were.  In this…

  • Earth Held Hostage. . .

    Time Now To Grow Up. . . There are times that call men to action and this is one of them.  It is time to give way to new ideas  that have been incubating for a long time within the hearts and minds of those given to thought.  We are long delayed in giving space…