We Are What We Know. . . life everlasting. . .
When we reach the point in time that we feel there is no energy to meet another challenge, we relent and let go, we hope lightly, and prepare to depart. We have lived our lives in preparation of our next address. Those who love us know we won’t be disappointed. We, ourselves, probably not so…
The Crucible For Memories. . .
We, the each, are nothing but memories. We are the Lord of Memories for ourselves and for those of our commitments. And what we as the crucible for those memories have made of our world. The painful we hope we have overcome and forgiven and the good will have repeated itself forever more. For the…
When The Gold Shows. . . .
I wonder how many of us met last night, during the night in the class of Broken Pieces 101. I woke up thinking it was my friend Maria’s (fullmoonfiberart) post I read awhile ago on how we seem to become friends with others who are broken. Perhaps the broken pieces of us want to…
Proof That We Came and Were. . . .
‘what is eaten at the table for conversation will determine the digestion of the world’s table.’ the teacher. . . After The Gathering. . . . I take the lemon wax and spray and wipe to a fine polish, the table where food and love have been served. I take the memories from the…
For Sitting On The Porch. . . .
Few of us have means to hire out the prep work necessary to maintain our homes. And getting the porch stained and ready to enjoy the summer is ours to do. To sit at night, to wrap up the day, is such a simple thing and yet it is food for our souls we are…
The Why of a Life. . . .
She was a young friend and unable to see the many aspects of ‘why did I settle for so little?’ with the direction my life took. When the full impact of the time of her birth with the battle for equal rights and the still emerging weight of the question she asked connected, she would…
Honed Beliefs Made Manifest. . .purpose of lives lived. . . .
A value system is what is honed by a lifetime or many lifetimes lived as beings, and not necessarily only as the human that we know. It can reflect lifetimes of worlds not visible to the human system of values or cognizance of them. What the value system will show is what has been driven…
A Divine Surprise. . .
You know what I was thinking I asked my younger this morning. He grinned at me and one arm with hand out flat swooped over his head and then bent to the floor palm out. It meant to me that my explanations are hard to understand. I laughed. I was only going to say…
Conference With the Sages. . .
As a good friend kept telling me, circumstances alter things. And as birthdays gather behind one, one seeks the comfort places. And at the keyboard with the mind in long conversations with compatriots, companions, in conference and in prayer, it is a comfortable place for me. I asked Jon Katz of BedlamFarm.com to recommend…
Later Comes Too Late. . . .
Not now! Later! . . . . It is time to be reminded not to spend recklessly what we cannot recover. It was a late night comedian we were watching and he was interviewing a married couple who were both American song stylists. Already you know it was some time ago. Asked how they…