Category: Poetry

  • The Invited Guest

                            I once knew a good carpenter                         who, with hammer and saw                         and wood and file                         showed me how to build a chair.                         I did and sat on it                         and then decided  I needed a table.                         With hammer and saw                         and wood and file,                         I built a…

  • the first snow

  • Forever Stilled

    Forever Stilled Hear the bird sing. Singing with the guttural sound because the ethers are not light enough to carry her notes. She swallows her song and it is forever stilled.

  • In The Morning

                            In The Morning                         Today is the day                                     I will preen my feathers,                                     open my wings and fly.                         Today is the day                                     I will breathe the elixir                                     of rarefied air                         and bring to me                                     All That Is                                     into a heart grown weary.                         And then I…

  • Bless The Experience

                I learned something.  I learned to ’bless the experience’.             For if the experience has been a negative one,             has left me with a hurt so deep, has filled me with anger,             then I must bless it.  For in the blessing I remove             its power to hurt me again.  I leave…


                            In its lucent light,                         riding high in orbit,                         the moon casts spears                         arching toward the groves                         of evergreens,                         trading their veracity                         for a moment of magic.                         The night dissolves                         the shaded parts into blackness.                         My eyes linger                         on the luminescence,                         on the silent…

  • No Lost Causes

    A one sided effort does bring results.   Even when it appears to be a lost cause, it is not.  That someone cares enough to do what needs to be done is never a lost cause.  There cannot ever be a lost effort to do good in the universe.   That would be an oxymoron, a contradiction.  …

  • Fine Wine

                Fine Wine              We have bound and gagged the bird              who would carry the olive branch              to the heads of state              guarding vehemently their fragile egos.              Guarding so that the…

  • Even If

                  Even If . . . . .               If you sing this song with me,               then follow the words               for they are gentle               and full of meaning.             …

  • Because It Is

                                         Because It Is                                      You cannot dream things that never were                                      for in a sometime and a somewhere                                      they've taken place and left their indelible memory                                      on your mind.                                      Only to be remembered when a slim shadow                                      casts its spell across your life                                      and causes you to bring…