Maudie Update. . your way home is well lighted. .
Maudie Update Last week when I posted Again Maudie??? and asked if doves or birds blinked intentionally, on Saturday’s 15 July entry I knew. As I bid good morning to Maudie she blinked several times. Her eye was pinned on me and a veil dropped, a light grey, greenish color and covered the…
Seriously Consider. . .
Seriously Consider. . . I go back to thinking time and again that one cannot ask to govern a body of men when one cannot govern one’s own body. And for those who say one’s private life has nothing to do with one’s public competence, I say character will determine private as well…
A Chance For Love. . .
A Chance For Love Each day is a new beginning, each breath the birth of a new world. Time now to forgo the past and give life a chance. Accountable we are and to allow that to become a fact, it is the moment to begin anew. The poem will only take on…
Time For Work To Be Done. . .
It was a desolate landscape. There were ice mountains in the background. There was a building, more barracks like with no thing, nothing around it. The moon was white and things were outlined but barely so. Sparse would be putting it gently, but desolate and bare of life would say how tragic it felt. I…
Beyond Morsels. . .
Beyond Morsels. . . . When one needs a fire to rest by, one often has to build it first. But no fire made by other hands warms as compared with effort gone into the building and fanning of one’s own flame. ***** You cannot list the world’s disorders without revealing yours in duplicate. You…
The Laughter. . .
In a lifetime of many years, certain things stand out as a moment imprinted on a mind to last forever. One is the good fortune of living as a neighbor to a family of daughters. Their laughter in the course of days that presented worrisome events, was the hallmark for life, that somehow my own…
A Place Of Rest. . . .
There can be less stress and stronger heartbeats if the persons involved could call upon what it is they know to help relieve situations, and if not situations, then relieve themselves . In every place, in every nook and cranny that houses a soul, there is a place to go. If not physically, then within. …
Gift of Thought. . .
Unless you can share your heart, you cannot enter into a liaison with anyone and raise a family. ***** Take love and use it and it will heal the rift which threatens to become a chasm man will never be able to cross by himself. ***** To ask in thought for help presumes the presence…
Little Mercies. . .
Little Mercies. . . Dickens said. . . ‘I wear the chains I forged in life’ For better or worse we forge them link by link. And I like to think they are good habits of ours that I call little mercies or the more common, tender mercies. I felt this many…
Think It Through. . . .
Think It Through. . . All thought which holds the life’s crucible for an Other’s well being is prayer. Any conversation which holds the good of Others in its heart is prayer. ***** What seems like a tragedy in the absurd and obscure is indeed a well thought out and prescribed drama. . . oftentimes.…