Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Coin Of The Day

    Coin Of The Day Learn while you can.   There is always something to learn and do.   Those are the things you will take with you when you transit.   And transit you will.   Either early by accident or illness or later for whatever reasons.  If a daffodil and mushroom die to live…

  • To Unearth (is to Divine)

    I would not have had to shout my questions, if I had only known how simple it would have been to simply awaken. It was not a matter of despair but a matter to unearth. I only had to ask and my track record would have shown if I qualified for an answer. photo by…

  • Time To Bend At The Knees

    It is time now to take cognizance of what we have done to our Earth planet.  She is still here to give us breath, polluted though it may be in some areas.  She challenges us with sparse watering.   She allows us to live as best as our livelihood does.  She continues to love us…

  • Many Worlds

    When first I started my journey there was  a need to know.   It was my focus.   Everyone has their own need.   The way for the each is to focus on one’s need.   The criteria for that need requires insight.  We must focus inwardly.  It is not easy. Many Worlds I wander about in many worlds…

  • Someone Who Waits For Us

    There is a common problem among us and it bears thinking about in the hope that there will be an answer or a lesson learned that may point to a possible resolution.   It is the need to know that there is a someone who waits for us.   Or a someone who cares whether we…

  • We Come With Love

    Can we go to the lady who likes blue cloths, the young one asked.   And I was taken by surprise as to why he wanted to go.   I asked him why and he looked at me and said because she know-ed things and I want to ask her some questions about stuffs.   And…

  • One Pilgrim’s Journey

    One Pilgrim’s Journey In my early years on this pilgrim’s journey,   I would awaken and think through the night’s lessons and get my marching orders for the day.   They were equally important.  One morning though the conclusion was that it truly was a world without end.  But world without end has a magnitude about it…

  • Worth Thinking About

    Worth Thinking About Knowing what to say is a social skill.   Meaning what you say takes the form of action in the heart. Sometimes our heads understand what our hearts cannot. Do what the heart requires and not what vanity insists. The heart is the organ of redemption. With love,  the heart salves the wounds…

  • A Validity

    A Validity Stressed beyond belief, my heart wanders in worlds unseen by human eye, not felt by human touch, but altogether real. Mountains are climbed where dizzying heights force vision beyond normal scope, chancing accidents not plausible but valid. It is my guess that distance is traversed on foot through lands uncharted and my footprints…

  • The Jockey

    In a square inch of soil we were told you will find all the history pertinent to your time and all you need to know in this world concerning all you need to know.   We laughed at the old Teacher and labeled him The Jockey because he was on our backs all the time.  We…